
Warped Tour 2008

Our Saturday was spent at the Utah State Fairgrounds for Warped Tour! Chris and I both went to our first warped tour about 8 years ago and this was Trav's first ever! We had a great time, saw some GREAT bands, spent lots of money, used alot of sunblock but got burnt a little bit anyway, ran into some old friends and we were exhausted by the end of the day. We didn't get to see all the bands that we wanted to see due to multiple bands playing at the same time, and we missed Pennywise because we just wanted to go home but all in all it was a good day. Can't wait to see the line-up for next year!

A few of the bands we went to see this year:

So grown up...

Bostyn officially drank out of a straw for the first time today. We've been trying to get her to do it for about a month now, but I think the bigger straws made it too hard for her. A small straw from Noah's Apple juice is what did it for her! Noah's first sip out of a straw was out of a juice box too. I guess I should've stuck to what works best in the first place!


Must see movie

Chris and I took Noah to see Wall*E tonight. TOTALLY recommend seeing it. Not only is it a kid's movie, but it covered so many important topics such as how humans are impacting the environment, rapid growth of technology, obesity, inactiveness, and large corporation takeovers. But in a tasteful way. It was cute and funny but also got you thinking a little bit. So great for adults too. My rating: 12 stars out of 10! Even if you don't have kids, go see this movie, it is so freaking cute! (Added bonus: a new Pixar animated short film, Presto! It's about a very hungry rabbit that works for a magician. He has to go on stage but that doesn't stop him from doing whatever it takes to get some food in his belly! Noah was laughing hysterically, great way to start off the movie. Especially when Noah was cranky from waking up from his nap)


happy 11th!

Bostyn's 11 month birthday was yesterday! She is so big, any day, she will be walking, I can't wait! A few of her new things:

Trying to put ponytail holders in her hair
Clicking her tongue to call Frenchie
Sitting in one spot, sticking her legs straight out, and kicking them up & down
Feeding herself. She would much rather do it. When you are feeding her she will take food right off of the fork with her hands, examine it, then plop it in her mouth.
Oreos (she stole it, I swear)
She has been sleeping through the night for a couple of months now, but she has been waking up before the crack of dawn every morning to say goodbye to daddy


is the sun up yet?

Time: 3:29 AM
Reason for still being up: Cleaning my house for the last 5 or so hours
Explanation: For the past few weeks, I've had a massive pile of laundry on my bed that I've literally been sleeping under. They're all clean, just not put away. Since my husband is now sleeping on the couch (I mean loveseat) because our mattress hurts his back too bad, it hasn't been such a big deal that I can't actually see my bed anymore. I don't care. But tonight I decided enough was enough and to finally do something about it.

Why, you ask?

Because my good friend Rachel is coming over tomorrow to babysit my children and I am embarrassed at what a mess my house is. (It was mostly clean on Friday, I swear, but weekends are no bueno for keeping my house clean, ever.) During my late night cleaning, the following adventures happened to me, and I made a few discoveries:

Killed 4 spiders. 1 mystery bug.
Got bit by a bug on my ankle. Proceeded to bleed for about 10 minutes. I never bleed!
Had the shite scared out of me when the sprinklers came on right outside my window. I was literally shaking.
Then I got scared by chris when he got up to go pee. I walked around the corner & almost ran into him.
Put laundry away. Found "lost" items of clothing.
Boxed up some old clothes that don't fit the kids anymore. Cried a little.
Heard noah talk in his sleep.
Found noahs bouncy ball.
Witnessed bostyn move around every possible square inch of her crib, including on top of her one of her dolls. She randomly sucked on 3 different pacifiers she had lying around her crib. Every time I walked in to the room, she had a different colored pacifier in her mouth! Cute thing is that she doesn't even open her eyes, she just searches with her hands for the nearest one, then sticks it in her mouth, sometimes backwards.
Finally unpacked from my trip to rock springs 1 week ago.
After putting away most of the laundry, I ran out of hangers. The kids had enough hangers, but since they share a closet, they're all pretty jam packed in there. They might end up wearing the same clothes over & over again just because I can't get any new ones out of the closet!
I got all of my laundry put away except for the clothes I was wearing, no hangers left over. Put all the laundry away that I could of chris's, need at least 15 more hangers. Will go to Target this week to get more. Or I will just make Chris get rid of some of his clothes. That sounds better.

I would like to thank Rachel for not only agreeing to watch the kids on short notice, but unknowingly making me scrub my house clean. Only things I didnt get done: vaccuming (kind of hard to do when everyone is asleep), the remaining dishes that didn't fit in the dishwasher and cleaning Frenchie's litter box. I think its time to potty train the cat so I don't have to clean up after her anymore. Despite those few things, I would like to hear Chris repeat the words "you don't do ANYTHING except watch tv & play on the computer" to me. Love you too babe! (Sarcasm)

Time is now 3:58 AM. Good night!


First swim of the season

In today's 90 degree weather, it wasn't a very hard decision of what to do about it. As soon as Chris got home from work, we packed up the kids & took them to the indoor pool at Murray Rec Center. SUCH a great idea! It wasn't busy, the kids were both free & it was cheap for me & Chris, and we had a ton of fun! It was Bostyn's first time ever in a swimming pool and she loved to sit in the real shallow part, kicking her feet & splashing the water around. After watching me take Noah down the water slide a couple of times, Bostyn tried to do it herself by crawling up the smaller slide & going down. It was sooo cute. We'll definitely be going back there soon, and hopefully we'll make it to Raging Waters soon too, we love their splash pad!

Woo hoo summer fun!!


Happy late dad's day!!

I tried to write a post on actual Father's Day but I was trying to do it on my phone while driving to Rock Springs and the internet didn't work!! Sorry!

So I want to apologize for the lateness, especially to Chris, who this is especially for. Chris, you are such a sweet, thoughtful, unselfish husband and father and me and our children are incredibly lucky to have you. Thank you so much for giving up your Father's day with us so we could go to Rock Springs so I could see my family I haven't seen in years! I'm sorry you had such a crappy dad's day with everyone bailing out on you. You were such a good sport about it though and I promise we will totally make it up to you and give you the day you deserve.

Happy father's day to Joe, Ron, Wade and all the other fantastic dads in our lives! We love you!


Bostyn's scrape

Look closely at these pictures: can you see the big red scrape on her face?

Here's what happened. While at Oma's house last night, Bostyn was strapped in (thank gawd) to her stroller. Oma went inside for just a minute while Opa was nearby in the backyard doing chores. Noah decided to do the big-brotherly thing and start pushing his little sis in the stroller. He proceeded to push the stroller around the driveway and into the big dip in the concrete. The stroller completely fell forward and Bostyn landed on her head, scraping up her cheek. It could have been a hell of a lot worse, but this is what can happen in a blink of an eye. Poor Bostyn. About half an hour later, she was walking along the coffee table in Oma's living room, fell, and knocked her chin on the way down. About 45 minutes after that, she was pulling herself up on Noah's kid-size chair and it fell over on top of her. I would not be surprised if she just sits in one spot the entire day tomorrow. I would!

In full bloom

Here's how my beautiful orchid is doing: I haven't killed it yet!!! The very thoughtful present from Chris for Mother's Day is in full bloom with 6 flowers open! There are just 2 more buds left on the vine, let's hope those ones decide to open too.


Chris had his "arraignment" on Friday. A few days before he went before the judge, Chris spent almost an hour on the phone with a lawyer getting advice (if anyone needs a lawyer, we can refer this guy!) After talking to the guy, Chris wasn't so worried about going to court and actually decided he didn't need his wifey to be by his side! He went to court (all dressed up and sexy as ever...) with a signed and notorized note from his friend explaining that it was his backpack that Chris had borrowed and that the brass knuckles were actually his (Mike could not appear in court, although he was totally willing, he had already made plans to go to Vegas for the weekend and left Thursday night. Chris was invited to go but he declined.) p.s. Chris was charged with a Class B misdemeanor and after all was said and done, Chris left court with 12 months probation and a $200 fine to be paid within 6 months. Chris does not have to report to a probation officer or anything like that, he just has to stay out of trouble with the law except minor traffic violations. PHEW big sigh of relief.

That same day Chris got a letter from National Homeland Security saying (not in these exact words) that he is clear for take off but to consider this his "warning" that he should fully check his bags before he flies again. That was the main concern for Chris, he really wants to travel a lot before he dies and he was freaking out that he would never be able to fly after the incident. Luckily he can. Just no more "concealed weapons" to try and sneak past security, Chris, Jeez, I keep telling you that!


New Car!!

We finally got a bigger car that will be perfect for our growing family (I mean our children are getting bigger, not having more...) 2009 Dodge Journey It's such a nice car, and we have so much room! We can actually go grocery shopping without having to take out the stroller. Noah's feet don't kick the back of our sets (so he won't be getting yelled at every few minutes now) and pretty soon Bostyn will be in a car seat, so we will have room for that too. It also has third-row seating, so when we start carpooling or driving the kids friends around, we'll actually be able to. Plus Trav won't have to squeeze in between the car seats if we pick him up.

We still have our Volvo and Grand Prix but we are looking to sell the Volvo ASAP! Pass the news around, we're selling it pretty cheap for what it's worth.