

So we gave the kitten back. The previous owners promised to take it to a vet (which they told Margie they would do first thing this morning but as of noon she hadn't even been home to pick up the kitten to take it to the vet...) and we hope they will take good care of this kitten. Margie has given them 2 other cats and they already had a cat, and all 3 of them run around in the wild and guess who feeds them? Margie. So I'm sure that Banjo (Noah named the kitten) will be outside running around, getting knocked up with the rest of them. Margie said that if she ends up taking care of that cat more than her neighbors do, then she will just bring it over. It's bound to happen, what makes this cat different than the other 3 that the neighbors claim to have? So she'll be home in the next week or so, still sick with worms I bet. Poor little thing.

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